Sunday, March 4, 2012

Welcome March

Say Hello to March :)

We meet again my beautiful month. 
Hopefully me still breath until that day :)

Mystical and magical
Nebulous and changeable
I work my way up life's rivers and seas
To my place at God's own feet
I am PISCES, child of Neptune.

The planet Neptune and the sign of Pisces govern the month of March. You are a natural teacher, a philosopher and a perfectionist. You inherited phenomenal intuition and in general, will exercise more perception than logic in dealing with life. You are a gifted artist and you enjoy holistic endeavors. Many advanced Pisces are also involved in the medical profession. The young Pisces soul may also work in the construction fields. However Pisces must understand the importance of education if he is to use his full potential and teaching gifts. You are noted for your sensitivity, creativity, and artistic values. Michelangelo and George Washington were Pisces' and used their creativity to the fullest. 

Your downfall is an over preoccupation with others, guilt feelings and a blind acceptance of religious dogmas. Nevertheless, your good heart is not surpassed by any other sign of the zodiac and the advanced ones possess spiritual healing powers. Highly evolved people born in March will lead many lost souls out of the deep clouds of deception towards the true colors of love and cosmic consciousness. Your soul's purpose is to swim upstream towards the ethereal light of oneness to find God.

Bulan Mac
± Berjiwa Seni
± Personaliti Menarik & Menawan
± Mudah Didekati
± Pemalu Serta Memendam Perasaan
± Jujur, Pemurah, Mudah Simpati & Berkelakuan Baik
± Mudah Terguris Hati
± Sifat "Peacemaker"
± Peka & Memberi Tumpuan Kepada Orang Lain
± Suka Memberi Khidmat Pada Masyarakat
± Penyabar & Amanah
± Pemerhatian & Penilaian Yang Tajam
± Mudah Berdendam
± Menghargai Budi
± Suka Berangan-angan
± Manja & Suka Diberi Perhatian
± Kelam Kabut Untuk Memilih Pasangan
± Sukakan Hiasan Rumah Tangga
± Cenderung Kepada Benda Istimewa

# lagi perwatakan bulan March
- Baik hati dan suka menolong sesama.
- Suka kehidupan yang serba wah.
- Seleranya tinggi.
- Tidak tegaan dan selalu memberi pada orang yang kesusahan.
- Agak pemalu, namun jujur dan tidak pernah bohong.
- Mudah terpengaruh dan tidak kuat menghadapi godaan.
- Suka melalaikan kesehatan dirinya sendiri.
bahasa Indonesia ada juga yang kurang faham.  Copy & Paste saja. hee :p 
ini hanya untuk suka2 )

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